Thursday 24 February 2011

I know my last blog was all about how you shouldn’t have a plan, but I’m going to be slightly hypocritical here and say I need one. More so just, directionally.

Option One

I’ve been offered two jobs in HR. One is a 35K salary but requires moving to at the very least, Manchester if not further. The second is 27.5K and is still in Manchester but central so I would be able to commute. Both sound fantastic really, high salaries, and HR is something that jobs are always going to be in. It’s ... practical. But it’s not something I’m passionate about. I can’t really see myself being happy in it, it’s not creative or especially helpful.

Option Two

Counselling. I’ve always wanted to be a counsellor and still do. I’m naturally drawn to people who are upset and wanting to help them. I’ve always been the friend people go too for advice and my whole attitude about how none of us are perfect means I pretty much have a non-judgement policy on anything I get told. BUT. It would mean either moving to London which financially isn’t fantastic, nor the fact I’m very much settled down, or a further 4 years in LJMU, which again financially isn’t great, plus I feel it would crush my soul.

Some people have said, “If you want it bad enough, you can manage that”. But the truth is, I want a house and a family and kids more... which would make option one ideal. Is it worth risking career satisfaction to achieve other goals?

Option Three

A writer. I love writing. I write all the time. I usually think of stories in the shower or when I can’t sleep and then try quickly scrawl them somewhere ready to write when I get a chance, by which time new ideas have formed anyway. Again however, this is a ‘risk’ option because out of hundreds of writers out there few of them ever make any real money from it.

Option Four

‘The business plan’. What’s the closest I can get to being a counsellor without all the training? Open up my own practice and manage that. With counselling, plus holistic health, I’d hire the staff that are already trained, use the money made to fund my own schooling and get work experience while I manage the place.... shadowing my own staff. I’ll need the capital but I’ve worked finances out and it is definitely do-able. It is risky. But I feel there is a lot of demand for what I could create. It incorporates everything I love too. It’ll involve writing, helping people. I can be as creative as I like, it’s my business to shape and mould. I can promote it myself, design posters, signs. Model for it. Decorate it myself (I have a fondness for interior decorating). I just don’t know whether to take the risk... or go with “safety option one.”

I’m going to publish this one on Facebook because I would really appreciate the advice of people here. Which option should I take? Should I take any of these? And why am I craving eggs?


  1. not 1 mention of "Vagina waffle"


  2. lol egg cravings! they gone yet?

  3. Nope, I went out, bought a full carton, ate a full carton and it went. But about an hour later it came back worse than ever :/

  4. Hey Sal,

    First, good to see you blogging. :)

    Anyway, my advice would be to take option one. The fact is you're only young and you've got your whole life ahead of you to change your mind and do other things.

    The first one (35K) sounds great, and that would give you the financial freedom you'd need to pretty much do anything else you wanted to do.

    You could put yourself through school (Open University), and complete the courses at your own pace.

    Also, there's nothing to say that while you are doing this you can't keep writing in your spare time, and if you ever come up with the next Harry Potter, then great, if not then it's a nice hobby.

    If you find that you can't hack working in HR and you're not happy, stick it out for another year or two, and if you're still not happy, then move on. Simple as that! You're young enough and have enough time ahead of you to change your mind several times over, trust me.

    I think you've been given some great opportunities there for such a young woman, opportunities that other people will have had to work many years for and work very hard to achieve, I think you should grab them with both hands. If it turns out not to be for you, at least you tried and you have the experience behind you. I'm also sure the financial benefit will outweigh at least some of the negatives. Imagine how many times a year you could go to Thailand. :)

    Don't forget, we are also in one of the worst recessions in history, so to have two fantastic job opportunaties there for you to choose from is a blessing at the moment. Take them.

    Anyway, I sound like I'm writing your horoscope hope that helps mate. Take care.

    Love Gaz X X X
