Wednesday 19 May 2010

I'm having a hair dilemna. I hate my hair at the moment. The colour bores me. The style irritates me. Its just.. blah. So, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do to it. Part of me is contemplating a really short cut but then I'm quite a wuss and I'm scared a) I won't like it b) I'll look like a man. Plus I'm quiet girly, I wear dresses alot and I dont think it'll suit the hair.

Saying that long hair irritates me too, it takes ages to dry, ages to style. So, I'm taking it out of my hands and leaving it to you people.

Styles A & B .... the short hair.

Style C ... medium length, still fairly short but not quite as much

Or just grow it nice and long, but grow my fringe out too? Sort of, Cheryl Cole -esque, because I'll be keeping the dark brown colour whatever style I end up choosing.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Ok, apologies, again. I'm a terrible blogger who doesn't keep up to date with anything. Sorry sorry sorry.
However, ok I have officially finished second year of university (eep) and don't have a job at the moment so should be free to keep this as regular as I can.

So yeah like I said, second year is over and done with. Scary stuff it seems to have flown by. I guess its good exams and stuff are out the way but I'm kind of bummed out. After Christmas we all said, 2010 was just gonna be the best year, we'd go out, do loads of stuff. And times gone so fast that we just have hardly done anything!!!

Now this week everyone's leaving and it's got me feeling so sad that a) we won't be living together next year b) Summer back at home is going to be long and drive me insane. c) It's all just gone so fast.

On the bright side we did get to go to Alton Towers yesterday which was so much fun!!! Because its still term -time and was a Monday, the park was absent of annoying children and so queues weren't too long which meant we got a chance to go on every main ride. The new ride Thirteen is class, starts as a normal rollercoaster and then you drive into a building. The coaster stops and you assume its going to restart to go through the doors infront, next thing you know its pitch black and your dropping down. As you land the cart suddenly pulls you backwards and your clinging on for dear life rushing backwards down a helix in the dark, screaming your head off til you come back out into the open daylight and the cart freezes again. There you are, outside the starting point. Highlight of the ride had to be turning around in my cart and seeing flatmate Conor behind me, pale white, shivering, and when he saw me look, meekly mumuring "I've just pooed."  So funny.

So, next on my list of things to do this summer :
  • Get a job
  • Find a flat
  • Get re-insured on the car
I had a job interview today already, Rock Chic, a modelling gig basically promoting girls to play guitar. Even if I do get it though it won't be a secure regular thing so I'll need to find something else to do. Hopefully some sort of care worker so I can get more Psychology experience!!

Anyway, I'll leave it at that for now. Updates soon.