Wednesday 29 September 2010


Little background first, I decided it would be good to make a calender for 2011 in aid of Help The Heroes. First I spoke to a few friends with various "industry skills". A photographer, Ruth Johnson and a makeup artist, Viliam Capolupo. Both agreed they'd be interested and were happy to work without payment. Then I set about asking friends if they were interested in modelling. People were interested quick and before I knew it I had a full set of girls.

After a few meetings and various discussions we settled on themes and the first shoot was decided upon.


We met at 4pm in the Ferndale Lodge. The Ferndale's Function Room had been settled on for a location. Viliam impressed us all massively just by unpacking her bags. We were all in awe of the sheer range of makeup.

Hair and makeup was a reasonably slow process so while the girls got ready, Ruth set up the equipment.

Some of the girls got individual shots while others got ready; or smaller groups. Somehow the place had gone from being a private shoot to a function as boyfriends and friends of everyone wandered in but it made for all the more fun. The boys proved a massive help not only in setting up equipment but adding their own 'artistic direction' to the girls. The shoots audience quickly grew.
Once all the girls were finished with makeup, hair and costumes we got to work talking a group shop for the main cover of the calender. By this point we'd already taken hundreds of individual and smaller group shots. Everyone was enjoying being infront of the camera; the boys enjoyed being behind it.

A finished group shot.
Overall the night was a great success and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. We got a nice set of pictures; and the much needed cover picture. Now it's just a case of getting the rest of the shoots done before our deadline - wish us luck!

Monday 13 September 2010

Well it’s been just over a month since we moved in to the new flat now. Seems like longer if I’m honest. But either way, I’m happy. It’s definitely become home. The best part of it is, so many people said moving in with Jake would be a mistake. Not in a nasty way, just the general I guess you’re supposed to argue more and stuff. But they were wrong and I’m so glad. I love living with him, I love knowing I get to see him everyday – that he’ll be there when I wake up in the morning, and close my eyes at night. I even think we’re managing quite well with the baby. And we have a good routine, admittedly I’m a bit of a housewife, he goes to work; I clean, ready his lunch, do some work... but I’m content so it’s all good.

Everything else is going reasonably well. I’m happy with the Calender progress, probably do a separate blog about that. My photographer for the Dawsons shoot has been in touch too, the magazines being released next month so I’m looking forward to that I guess. I’ve applied to a new agency Good Vibrations in Liverpool so that can definitely be added to my portfolio; along with the calendar and all my old stuff.

This is only the Draft Thumbnail but looks quite cool. Can't wait til it comes out.
And that's everything really. Uni starts up officially tommorow and I'm actually really looking forward to it. I've been a massive nerd and started my dissertation already; and I can't wait to start Counselling since its what I wanna do in life. And as excited I am for Thailand, just hope it doesn't get in the way of this year!