Thursday 17 February 2011

How many people do you know who say “I want my first time having sex to be special.”

Now, how many people do you know who say, “My first time WAS special.” Half the first number... if that?

The plain and simple point I’m trying to get across here is, there is absolutely no point in planning. Your first time, yeah you can know the guy for as long as you want. Light as many candles as you want, wear the sexiest lingerie and have Enya’s greatest hits playing in the background. The bottom line is it’s still going to hurt, it’s still going to be awkward and it’ll still be over in 5 minutes.

I’m not just on about sex by the way this planning – it applies to all life’s concepts. Anything you lay out to do ends up not going to plan. Those ‘amazing nights out’ that have been planned for months end up being shit. It’s the spontaneous ones that are the best.

And without fail you’ll always hear people say – “I planned to do loads today and I haven’t.” Or “I haven’t got nearly as much planned done.”
Obviously I appreciate some things have to have some planning – weddings, holidays – you can’t just pack your bags, turn up the airport and go. (Well you can but meh- shush and don't be pedantic)

But generally speaking having a plan is a concept I don’t want to have anymore. I want to be surprised by life and what comes. By where I go, who I meet. What I end up doing. I don't want to be disappointed I didn't achieve everything I had planned to by the time I'm 30. I'm not saying I'm loosing ambition, or hope. I WANT to be married with at least one kid and a steady career by the time I'm 30, but its a want only, not a plan.

I realise I'm waffling now and I've said the word plan far to many times so I'll leave it there but the general point - don't ever get too upset when things don't go to plan. Everything happens for a reason .... so just go with whatever life brings.

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