Thursday 29 March 2012

A lot has happened since my last post. Not that long ago everything was going to hell, now it's back on the way up.

Tomorrow is my last day of my job. I don't think it's hit me; it feels like I'm just going on annual leave, not permanent. I'm going to miss the people I work with so much. We all just gel; we have random but hilarious conversations and it just seems like we're on the same wavelength. I'm really going to miss them. I haven't secured another job yet because I've been presented with several options and I'm undecided which route to take.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

The first option is a job; essentially the role I'm in now, only closer to home and a higher salary. Ideal really. Good for someone looking to settle down. A permanent position in Human Resources giving me enough money to get by plus a little extra for those rainy days. It's the obvious choice. The path most people would probably take.

The second.... a job working as a HR Advisor to an Assistant Director for a newspaper. A big responsibility; but an exciting one brimming with opportunity. A fantastic salary too. A starting salary of 38,000 .... dollars.

Yeah, that's the catch. Option number two means moving. Moving quite far. Canada in fact. At first it wasn't even an option to me; but suddenly it is. The one thing that's really keeping me here is willing to pack up and come; and I realised, there isn't much else here. Not in a horrible way. I love my friends and leaving them would be sad. But I mean - Waterloo, Liverpool, England. I hate that everyone knows everyone. That if you don't like someone you run into them constantly anyway. The same old people crop up. Even without that, it's the same old routine. Adventure isn't easy to come by in Waterloo. And adventure is something I sort of long for. It's still not completely decided, it depends on the next few months, but if I know this is going to be the view from my window... I think I definitely am leaning towards a Yes.

Wow right? Anyway, I have loads more to fill you in on. A lot's happened. It's been a busy few weeks. But for now, I have to go make dinner. So I will blog again soon. Watch this space.

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