Saturday 11 February 2012

I think most of you know the main event going on in my life lately. The big move. It’s something that’s been top of my want list for a while moving back to Waterloo. It (or well, Crosby) has been my home since birth. Living in town had its definite perks but ultimately it was very much a place for a student. A place where going out dancing and drinking on a week night was the norm. That chapter of my life is behind me now. Don’t get me wrong I’m still partial to the odd night in town but it’s just different now. I prefer sitting down with banter over a pint or glass of wine. Living in Walton was the worst because; like town it was away from friends; but unlike town – it was away from everything else too. So being back were everything is just a short walk away is brilliant. Plus the drive to work only takes me 10 minutes more than it would have done so I’m not even loosing out there really. I still manage to get in around 8:30 every day and accrue 30 minutes flexi for those important shopping trips.

The place itself is lovely. Spacious. It’s really starting to look homely too now that most of the packing has been in done. It’s amazing the difference little things like photo frames make. A personal touch. We christened it with a small gathering on Tuesday night and that was nice too. I kind of like playing the hostess; I like looking after people. In fact it’s been a nice week all round. I had a few days off work and normally when that happens I spend it lying in bed til mid morning followed by shuffling around in my onesie eating crisps, playing PS3 and Facebooking. But instead I got friends round. Day 1 Charlotte came round and we had cups of tea and had a nice catchup. Then Day 2 Katie who for those of you who don’t know is my oldest friend. We met on the first day of Ursuline Reception and we’ve been friends ever since. Obviously with one thing and another; different high schools, universities, jobs – seeing each other doesn’t happen anywhere near as often as I’d like which makes the catch ups with her super lovely. I’m hoping living local will make seeing her easier too.

The only downside of the move is money is a bit tighter. You always forget things – little extras. I thought I’d worked out costs with tax and bills included and then you forget little things. TV Licenses. Eugh. Not to mention actually buying things like furniture. We did quite well at IKEA the other day admittedly but still. I’m viewing it as a positive though because it’s really pushing me to find a new job. Permanent and a little higher paying just to make things a little easier. Preferably a bit closer than Huyton too so I’m not spending half my wages on petrol. As well as that I think I need to get back to my calling. I like my job – but it’s more because I work with nice people who make it enjoyable to spend time with. I’ve got an interview lined up for something ideal for me; but I won’t say anymore – just; watch this space.

Not much else to report really. I remain a medical marvel to the point where on my eighth visit to the doctor; following blood tests, ultrasounds, biopsy’s and all manner of other tests – I was told they can’t find a solution – that I should go home and ‘live with it’ and only come back if I find myself in intense pain with it. So, once again, my faith in the health system and their competence has been shattered.

Other than that I’m pretty happy at the moment though. Life is good and heading exactly in the direction I want it to. Things are looking positive for Jake too in terms of new opportunities musically; which I know will make him happy. The only real bad thing going on at the moment is finding out who my real friends are. Or I don’t know. Maybe that’s a positive in the long run. It’s just got to the point where a lot of people seem to think friendship is a part-time thing. Maybe it’s just a case of different approaches to it but I know with me, if I’m needed, I’m there for someone. In one form or another. Oh well, not worth dwelling over.

We get the internet set up properly on Wednesday so more updates from then. But until then, have a lovely weekend. 

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