Monday 1 March 2010

March 1st - Rabbits!

March has rolled around fast. I would say 'too' fast but I have been really excited about March so I guess I can't really complain. I just feel like, I had so much to do before it came round, and I've got nothing done. In less than two weeks its Jake's 21st. Two weeks after that I'm 20. And two weeks after that. I'll no longer be a second year student. I'll be on my way to third year. That's kind of horrible too. Third year. My final year at university, when it seems like yesterday I was only just starting. Same goes for everything though. It doesn't seem that long ago I walked into the Ferndale and laid eyes on an eighteen year old boy, and now he's twenty one. It doesn't seem that long ago we were just starting, the constant texting, the sneaking kisses and first I love you's. Now we're planning to live together. I guess it makes me happy in some respects but its still scary how quick its all gone.

It won't be long before I graduate really. That makes me feel giddy. For more reason than one :)

Anyway I'm rambling about nothing now, so an actual blog topic. I've decided to go with cheating because its something that's been in the media a lot lately. Primarily Cheryl Cole being the main story but other minor celebrities too. Cheating's something I'm passionate about. (not in a good way.) To me, it should be a punishable offence. And I don't just mean getting a slap from your girlfriend/boyfriend sort of punishment. I'd rather shoplift than cheat. Because at least with stealing, no one really gets hurt. Not on the same scale as the devastation and humilation of the person you love betraying you. Not to mention, love, is something that should make you happy, should drive you to devote yourself to that one person in your life. If you cheat, chances are you either never where in love, or have fallen out of it. That's why I don't think I'd be capable of cheating, I couldn't hurt someone I love that bad. I wouldn't have the heart.

It must be worse for Cheryl Cole though. Because its not something she can keep under wraps. Everybody knows about her humiliation. And everyones encouraging her to break up with her husband, if she chooses not too, she'll probably be branded a fool. In my opinion she should break up with him, because hes turned around and said he's not really done anything wrong. And that's what gets me.

There's two type of people in this world. Good people who do bad things, and bad people. I have a knack for being able to tell which one a person is. The good people are the people who do make mistakes, they're not perfect and they slip up, but they admit it. They know they're wrong and they'll either try to make it right or make up for it. Bad people do wrong and then regard their behaviour as acceptable. Their the sort of people who go out with the intention of cheating, rather then getting too drunk and messing up. There the sort of people who brag about what they've done to their friends and would only apologise to their partner if they got found out; and usually their forgiven and go out and do the same because they can get away with it.

I used to know quite a few bad people but it became increasingly obvious they don't make good friends. They're selfish, two-faced and stubborn. So I've decided to make a point of avoiding them. I'm not saying the people in my life are perfect. But like me, their good people. They might be a bad friend one day, but they'll apologise. They might mess up. But they'll make it right. They'll feel the guilt that comes with doing wrong. And the shame. And that, will be the deterent so they don't make the same mistakes over.

Lets just hope I'm as good at telling the difference as I think I am!

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