Tuesday 2 March 2010


I've spent the majority of the morning being lazy, sitting at my computer and reading PostSecrets.

What's that you ask? Well its a website and a series of books of postcards people have wrote confessing their secrets. Have you seen the "Dirty Little Secret" video by AllAmericanRejects? That's full of them.

PostSecret - this is the site they're at if your interested.

Anyway I've been reading the site and there's something about it that makes you feel good about yourself. Not in a ... "haha look at you freaks way"... for me its more, "I guess I'm not the only one who feels so insecure". Its amazing how many of the secrets I've read and my hearts skipped because either now, or at one point in my life, its something I've felt.

Anyway the point I've realised is you should try and remember you don't really know anything about the people around you, even your closest friends. You don't know how their really feeling deep down or what they're having to deal with. Only about three people know my biggest secret and even then I only really wanted one person to know it just got out. I wouldn't tell anyone else.

But weirdly enough, I think I'd like to put it on PostSecret, theres something ... relieving about anomously confessing. If you do go on, see if you can guess which one is mine. ;)

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