I'm finally starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. Things aren’t perfect; or at least, as back to normal as they could be, but they’re starting to clear. Stuff at work is getting back to normal, the insanity will soon be over. That’s the biggest relief.
I think going away helped enormously. Two days doesn’t sound like much at all but two days being away from absolutely everything; with nothing but shops to go to, bars to drink at and just free time to fill how I wanted – it was nice. It was exactly what I needed. I let myself go a bit too. Normally I’m quite sensible when it comes to spending money. I’ll go over money in my head and work it all out. But I decided to be a little selfish, I’ve worked hard for the money I had, and I was going to treat myself to things okay maybe I didn’t necessarily need, but certainly wanted. It turns out really spoiling yourself every now and then is good therapy.
Something else worked too. Counselling. I’m not actually ashamed to admit I went; I’ve wanted to be a counsellor for the best part of my life so why wouldn’t I believe it worked; and it did. It was so refreshing to talk to someone with no pre-conceptions of anything in my life. She was smart; one of the first things she said to me upon walking in was “I can tell insecurity when a 5’9 girl stands at 5’7. Whether she actually knew my height or whether she just took a lucky guess is unknown, but it impressed me she noticed. She analysed me quicker than I’d had a chance to introduce myself; and she absolutely nailed it. Somehow without any coaxing from her I found myself saying more than I had intended. I’d gone for work and instead it got really personal. But it wasn’t awkward. I guess that’s the problem talking to friends, they usually know the person you’re talking about and it’s difficult to not be bias. But this woman was a blank canvas.
I left feeling inspired. She gave me a new perspective on a lot of situations; and she reminded me why I had wanted to be a counsellor in the first place. HR isn’t my niche after all I don’t think. I don’t suit being ‘hard-faced’. It’s just not me. So new direction, and okay yeah, one hour in a room with a stranger isn't going to change anything. Neither is two days abroad. But they're helping hands and I'm getting on with it.
Today was nice too. I saw my oldest friend. Granted she was in work and I just dropped in, but ten minutes of chatting left me on a high. Through all this madness lately I seem to have fallen out of the social loop, I can't wait to get back to seeing people because god help me I miss them, a lot. But until the next mad one out, or even the next quiet one or two .....
I'll take comfort in my new slippers.
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