Tuesday 9 August 2011

There’s a fair few films that use the concept of a virus getting into the population causing mass aggression; ordinarily spread by the infected biting one another or something in the water. I’ve spent the last few days watching the London riots thinking that, as awful as it was, thank God it was only London. So imagine my disdain waking up to the news feed of riots across the country, including Liverpool. No virus. No biting one another to spread it. No spikes in the water supply. It’s the result of complete and pure idiocy. No real motive, just morons with too much testosterone and no morals.

 It is quite frightening, for me more than anything how quickly it’s spread. How quickly people will see something horrible happening and want to join in. The irony is the majority of the people involved are the sort of racist twats who would see any foreigner and label them a terrorist, yet will happily terrorise their own country for the sheer fuck of it. Not that I’m defending terrorists but at least most do it for beliefs or actual reasons. Not for shits and giggles.

And to the few who are dubbing 'unemployment' as an excuse to trash stores, bars and burn their city to the ground; where is your logic? Where is your fucking common sense? Destroy the places of work? My opinion. The police should be given the all clear to shoot them, and with real bullets not rubber. THAT will actually help the unemployment problem. Culling anyone stupid enough to think a riot will solve anything, and numbers of unemployed will decrease!

Kudos to the people going out and helping, and kudos to the police. If I was facing them, I definitely
would have shot them by now. I would have enjoyed it. I hope if nothing else this has really opened the governments eyes to the sort of trash out there who need to be threatened more with an ASBO.  

Hope that everyone stays safe tonight!

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