Wednesday 9 May 2012

I've come to the conclusion the biggest problem with people is options. We have too many... There is far too much choice. As a result of having so much choice; we can't ever really decide what we want. We find ourselves conflicted; what occupation shall I have, what style should I adopt, what hair colour should I have, where should I go on holiday. Who should I fall in love with? It's just never-ending. It's why mistakes are made. Choice creates so many problems. How can we possibly make the right choice when there's so many options. I guess there's only one bit of advice I can give. 

It might not always seem logical. It might not always seem 'right' or 'good'. But if it makes you happy, then chances are, it's the right choice for you. 

So anyway, update on life. I’ve now been working at Clatterbridge just over a month. It’s flown and at the same time it feels like so long ago I was at Huyton.  I think that seems to be a theme with most events lately though, New Year seems like so long ago and at the same time I honestly can’t believe it’s already May.

May however means that this month is holiday month. I’ve never been away with a group of friends before; well, discluding school trips and things. I’ve only ever holidayed with family or just me and Jake so it’s something I’m really looking forward to. A break will be welcomed; as will sun, sea, and all inclusive food and drink. I've been pining for an escape for a while, hopefully, this will be it.

My car is reaching the end of it’s life at the moment too. The micra was the first car I ever drove, and for in honesty, it’s done a lot for me. I wouldn’t have the job opportunities if I had without the ability to drive and my own car. Public transport to Clatterbridge would be about two hours and involved two trains, a bus and then a 20 minute walk. I’ve been contemplating an upgrade for a while, and then last week on the drive to work my brakes went completely. I was incredibly lucky that there was no queue of traffic on the slip road coming off the motorway. I was doing 60 mph approaching a roundabout and not getting any slower. Instinct must have kicked in because I quickly changed from fifth to second gear which brought my speed down, and then yanked the

handbrake which brought me to a stop. A very screechy, smell of burning rubber stop. But a stop all the same. Then as a I sat there my heart beating so fast I thought it would explode out my chest I felt a little proud that I’d managed to handle it quite well, instead of panicking and then either shutting my eyes or bailing. My brake pads are being repaired – for a very discounted price since the evening before when I’d taken it in to get the strange grinding noise coming from my brakes checked; I had been informed it was mud in the pads. But either way, I’m looking at getting a new car this summer. If anyone’s looking to buy a new ‘first’ car then drop me a message – brand new brake pads on the micra and generally speaking 
it’s a very good car.

Not much else has been going on. Had a lovely bank holiday weekend, 

Sam came down (or is it up) from Burton for a night out in Liverpool. It was this time last year we were facing our final exams and taking revision breaks in the pub; and a lot has changed since then. It's good to know even with life changes that the people don't change. I think it’s one of the signs of a good friend. You can’t always stay in touch as much as you’d like to – work gets in the way of nearly everything and life is just busy – but the good friends are the ones who come through for you when you need them; no matter how long it’s been since you last saw each other or spoke. The good friends are not the ones who only come through when they need something from you; and some people would do well to remember that. Anyway, it was a lovely night; a very alcohol filled night; something I am still recovering from; but a good night all the same. 

The next thing on my agenda to organise is a camping trip. I haven't been camping since I was; ten? Maybe even younger. It would be a completely different experience now; and I want to get away. Nothing sounds more 
appealing that being in the wild, camp fire; stars. I miss stars. When I was a kid I would go into the garden, climb onto the roof of the darkroom and just stare at the stars. It helps but things into perspective. No matter how large your problems seen, when you look at the size of it all; you realise how small little it all is in the grand scheme of things - and once again, it will be another escape. 

... I'm all about the escaping right now. 

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