Wednesday 14 April 2010

I know I promised more recent updates but damn, life is kicking my ass at the moment. Its funny because with Jake's newish job, I feel like I do have a lot more time to myself. Well, we definetly seem to spend less time together and yeah I miss it and I miss him not being there all the time but I guess it's accepting that that's very much the real world.

But yeah, all this time to myself you'd think I could be doing everything I want. That everything I need to do would be done and sorted like that. But it seems the opposite at the moment. Exams are looming and I haven't picked up a textbook to revise because I've been too busy rushing to finish coursework before deadlines. I keep panicking about all the stuff approaching in the future that I don't even seem to focus on the present.

My 20th birthday has been and gone and generally I did enjoy the easter holidays, had some good nights out with girlfriends and Jake and his family and stuff. I know it sounds stupid but I do feel older being 20. Stepping out of the teenage years really has hit me how much I've actually grown up. It won't even be that long before uni is finished, second years already pretty much out the way bar a few exams.

But yeah I don't want this blog to be all moaning. I do feel a bit free-er lately as well. Like generally happier inside. I'm not saying everythings perfect. No, I wish I had less work, or else more time to do it. I wish I had more money. I wish Jake could earn money and still spend the day with me. I wish I didn't suffer backache like an old woman and could steal deal with a hangover after a night out. But then, I'm still happy. I'm content with life and there's a lot of positives, lots to look forward to. I'm young. I'm two-thirds of the way to a degree. I have a great boyfriend and lovely friends around me.

So yeah, I can't promise when I'll next update with all the hectiness around me but I shall do my best to make it soonish. And I'll try get pics up too!

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