Thursday 12 January 2012

I’ve come to the conclusion life is harder on girls than boys. Not because we get stuck with periods, and childbirth, because we have to suffer bad driver jokes or because for decades, and in some cultures now, we treated lesser to males – though; all valid points to my argument. No I’m on about the physical toll of life. This is how I reached this conclusion.

I got up late for work yesterday and as such didn’t have time to do my makeup. I mean, no makeup. I washed my face and ran out the door. I figured it wouldn’t matter that much. But all day I got; “wow Sally are you feeling okay, you don’t look....well” or the classic “You look tired” which we all know is the polite way of saying you look like crap.

A glance in the mirrors in the bathroom confirmed; I did look like crap. Don’t get me wrong I don’t doll up for work. I usually just slap some foundation, lipgloss and mascara on. But still; it makes a huge difference -apparently. So why is it that girls look like shit without makeup and boys well, they’re just themselves? They don’t look like crap unless they’re ill or something. The only conclusion I could reach is life is harder on us. Mother nature’s not looking out for her girls. That bitch.

On that note I’d like to wish my readers a Happy New Year! Yes, first blog of 2012. We’re only 12 days in but it’s been a bit of a mixed year. It started quite badly.  Work dropped the bombshell that they were making a lot of people redundant. This came the day after I put an offer on a new place (which I’ll get to). It was like being kicked in the stomach – finding out you might lose your job is always bad news but finding out when you’re planning to move out that same month is a killer.

As it happens; yesterday I got the news as a ‘solution’ to redundancy I’ll be doing a job share – meaning they won’t be letting me go but my hours are halved to 20 a week. Not ideal but I suppose better than unemployment. I also had a phone interview for a graduate job yesterday. I’m not going to say too much about it in case nothing comes of it but if I can get the job I’ll be a very happy lady in a much better situation, financially as well as just generally.  

The best news of the year is me and Jake finding our home. The move in date is set, and in 15 days – we’ll be residents of Waterloo. We’ve been waiting so long for this; Waterloo is well and truly our home. It’s where I grew up, it’s where our friends are – the places we go. It’s got everything we need.  We’re off today to an Open House today to nab some furniture. I definitely wouldn’t mind a new couch, a dining table and chairs and if the beds a comfy one then yeah. I might even pick up something I haven’t accounted for! I'm really looking forward to making the home - home. I haven't showed anyone pictures of the flat yet because the empty rooms don't look up too much. It needs finishing personal touches.

Today is also the car’s MOT day. I’m quite nervous. I hear about some people’s MOT’s costing... £25. That’s fine. I hear about some people’s costing hundreds. I can’t really go higher than £100 without really feeling the blow. They phoned me before; “Are you are you’ve been driving round with faulty brakes?”  - Obviously not, I’ve been managing to stop the car okay so not really sure how they were faulty. Fingers crossed fixing brakes isn’t expensive? I wouldn’t know.

That’s the problem with cars is they’re so expensive. Even if you buy one for cheap; it’s all the extras. Insurance is £125 a month. Petrol probably £50 a month (at least). This month has the misfortune of MOT, road tax which is, well £130 for the tax and then whatever this MOT ends up costing. It’s so bloody expensive. Suddenly my life seems to be revolving around money-  or lack thereof. When did that happen?

The final thing on today’s agenda is setting up a joint account with Jake. It’s something we’ve talked about for a while but it really seems to make sense now. It’s more clear than ever we’re in the right place for it all – everything feels so grown up for us – grown up, but not scary. Not in the slightest. It’s one of the few things in my mind that is completely without any doubts whatsoever.

With that in mind I’m ploughing on with 2012 hopeful. I hope it will be a good year for us both.  Job wise I want to settle in something permanent, and I want Jake to find something that will give him career satisfaction. Living in Waterloo will be better for our social life so we’ve nailed that one. Who knows what else it will bring for us? But like I said; I’m hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. >I don’t doll up for work. I usually just slap some foundation, lipgloss and mascara on.

    Lol. I don't doll up for work I usually :proceed to describe dolling up for work!

    I think that you're wrong about lads not looking like crap, I think it's the other way round. Lads always look like crap every day. Girls put make up on most days so it is really evident when they don't, hence it seems worse.

    Also, is the new place you're moving to equipped with a place to park? Your insurance will come down a bit if it has!
